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K-Y Docuseries

"The Pleasure Is Mine"

3 Part Series - OLV

In 2019 K-Y launched “The Pleasure is Mine,” a documentary series about normalizing sex conversations in America. The series featured real women talking candidly about their complex relationships with sex, pleasure, menopause, virginity, babies and so much more. Because ladies—it’s time to close the pleasure gap, it’s time to make your sexual pleasure a priority, and it’s time to #GetWhatYouWant

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Women everywhere are making themselves heard.

Except, for some reason, in the bedroom.


It’s time for that to change. 

It’s time to make our sexual pleasure a priority. 

It’s time to start asking for what we want. 


Everyone already talks about sex—in movies, online, even on the news— 

but when the conversation turns to our needs, everyone shies away.

Society teaches us to feel ashamed for even bringing it up. 

So let’s teach society how to have a conversation about sex.


Everyone wants sexual pleasure. So why is it a taboo topic?


Enjoying sex is something to be proud of, not ashamed of.

To feel good about, not judged for. 

To be celebrated, not censored. 


So let’s start making our voices heard in and out of the bedroom.


Let’s talk about what we like, and how to change what we don’t.

Let’s share what feels good, and ask for what feels great.

Let’s explore new experiences, and open up to what can make them even better.


Because better sex for women means better sex for everyone. 


K-Y. Get What You Want.

Episode 1: K-Y Docuseries
Episode 2: K-Y Docuseries
Episode 3: K-Y Docuseries
We then pulled compelling quotes from each episode and
created organic Instagram content
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